M&A Advisors

Your Company’s Next Step Can Be The Thrill Of A Lifetime

We’ve got your back. Software Equity Group advises founders, leaders, and financial sponsors of B2B software companies in a majority exit or strategic sale. Our creative, honest, and no BS approach to mergers & acquisitions helps transform the lives of our clients and empowers them to be a force for good in their communities.

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Working with Software Equity Group to find the right partner for our company was one of the smartest decisions we've ever made.

John Eller
Founder and CEO, InSight Mobile Data

Their experience, relationships, and focused execution radically expanded our funnel. I would work with SEG again without hesitation.

Jonathan Murray
Co-Founder & CEO, MyVR  

The experience and outcome were incredible. From beginning to end, top to bottom, the SEG Team was absolutely awesome. Thank you SEG!

Terry Danner
CEO, SightPlan

Only one word comes to mind when I think about Software Equity Group, "WOW!" Every person at SEG represented top-notch professionalism with sage business advice.

Matthew Gonnering
CEO, Widen
SEG Helped IMS Achieve Exceptional Valuation in 6 Months

IMS, a vertical software in CRE space, enlisted SEG to build an exit strategy around their goals, communicate value drivers, and deliver results.

LeaseLabs Received $110M Enterprise Value Advised By SEG

LeaseLabs, a full stack marketing platform, wanted to scale and hired SEG for their network of buyers and successful close rate.

Nexternal Gets Interest from Big Name Software Companies Through SEG

Nexternal, an eCommerce platform, enlisted SEG to sell to a large company with an established client base in order to beat out their competition.

How SEG Helped Bigfoot’s Owners and Customers Achieve Happiness

Bigfoot, a CMMS solution, received advice on what they needed to improve years before being ready to sell. They hired SEG because their knowledge of the SaaS market, are smart & likable, and information on who would (and wouldn’t) be a good partner.

Indatus Received 43% More Enterprise Value Versus Running a Process On Their Own

Indatus, an emergency call handling solution, sought an advisor to help distill their message and run a solid process.

Six Phases Of Sell-Side M&A

Any bank can tout they have a great process and customer service, but living up to that statement is our mission. We work harder and are more personal. And we know it.  We communicate all the ways we drive value and increase options. We go out of our way to foster relationships, not just with our clients but with buyers too. This is why we’ve seen exceptional growth for the last 7 consecutive years.

Strategic Positioning
Conduct in-depth analysis of the business and it's competitors, and present it in a compelling way that resonates with both buyers and investors.
Creating A Market
Present the opportunity to a mix of strategic buyers and PE investors that will compliment your business and goals.
Driving Competition
Strategically leverage competition by generating interest and managing multiple bidders to drive value and increase likelihood of deal success.
Negotiating The Best Deal
Address and resolve key business, legal, tax, IP, employment, and liability issues to increase value, options and deal terms.
Managing Due Diligence
Collect, organize, communicate and respond to hundreds of data requests to validate and confirm the business, financial, tax, SaaS, tech and legal items.
Closing The Transaction
Communicate between buyer and seller and support the functional closing of the transaction.

Our Clients Are Eager To Refer Us.

Why? We take pride in providing exceptional service to our clients, sometimes months even years before the M&A process begins. We advocate for them, prioritizing good work, exceptional service, a proven process, and an open, honest relationship. We are dedicated to their success and they are thrilled to spread the word.

"There is no doubt that working with SEG helped us achieve better results than if we had attempted it alone or even with another advisor."
Jacquelyn Kung
CEO, Activated Insights

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“From meticulous attention to detail to tireless work ethic and creative problem solving, this process showcased their industry expertise.”
Zach Kestenbaum
Zach Kestenbaum
CEO, BuildingLink

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“Thanks to their adept positioning of our business and extensive network, we were presented with a diverse range of options and numerous offers."
Tim Minnich
CEO & President, Princeton TMX

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this transaction

“They were there every step of the way to help assist us with every task and every question. Simply put, we couldn't have done this without SEG!”
Tony Zuccato
Vice President, Produce Pro Software

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“The SEG team exceeded our expectations. They guided and supported us every step of the way. With SEG’s help, we had a fantastic outcome.
Varsha Bhave
Co-Founder & President, Projectmates

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“Their unwavering support and advice through the years enabled us to best prepare for our exit. SEG was a trusted advisor every step of the way.”
Paul McRoberts
President & CEO, Atronix